Val Tremola

index of sculptures 1988 to 2024

Val Tremola

Bas-relief in salvaged wood #133, 182 diameter x 14cm.
Private collection, Barcelona, Spain.

Val Tremola shows the hairpin bends of the Tremola Valley that are part of the old Gotthard Pass route. One of the highest paved roads in Europe, it used to be a busy connection until the Gotthard Road Tunnel opened in 1980. It is preserved as a monument appearing today as it was in 1951.
The Val Tremola relief was based on vintage postcards and constructed using salvaged wood, utilizing the worn and weathered character of the surfaces to emulate the terrain.

Postcards of the Tremola Valley and the Saint Gotthard Pass.


index of sculptures 1988 to 2024

Grand Canyon

Bas-relief in salvaged wood #124, 149 x 183 x 11cm.
Private collection, Delft, Netherlands.

The cover of Arizona Highways magazine of February 1938 was the model for the Grand Canyon bas relief. The photo shows Emery Falls on Lake Mead in Arizona. Today Lake Mead is many miles away. The lake is manmade and formed after the completion of the Hoover Dam in 1935. Because of drought and increased demand for water the lake has been shrinking for decades. It is currently at less than 40% capacity.

Part of the Markers exhibition at Ron Mandos gallery, Amsterdam in 2020.


index of sculptures 1988 to 2024

Unterer Grindelwaldgletsjer

Bas-relief in salvaged wood #123, 149 x 183 x 11cm.
Private collection, Grindelwald, Switserland.

The Unterer Grindelwaldgletsjer bas relief was based on postcards of this glacier in the Swiss Alps from around 1900. The Lower Grindelwald Glacier covered more than 20 km2 fifty years ago but today it is retreating rapidly.

Part of the Markers exhibition at Ron Mandos gallery, Amsterdam in 2020.


index of sculptures 1988 to 2024

Watershed (Yosemite)

Bas-relief in salvaged wood #93, 180 x 200 x 12cm.
Part of the Mirror Lake project, a large site specific installation on commission for The State of the Netherlands.

Yosemite Valley on June 11th 2013. For scale, El Capitan, the rock face on the left is well over two times the height of the Empire State Building.

Part of the Mirror Lake project; 2011-2013: