Mimic Diagram
A design of 240 m colored neon lines placed over a milled drawing in light blue Trespa sheets installed in the ceiling of the central reception hall of the Doelen in Rotterdam. (part of the ‘makeover’ project for the central reception hall of the Concert & Congress Centre De Doelen, Rotterdam, NL. Mimic Diagram was taken down in 2009).
photo Bob Goedewaagen 1999.
De dirigenten (The Conductors)
8 archive photos from the history of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Doelen institute printed on transparencies and applied to large sheets of safety glass. The images merge with the ‘brutalist’ rough concrete pillars of the reception hall of the Doelen aided by specially installed lights (part of the ‘makeover’ project for the central reception hall of the Concert & Congress Centre De Doelen, Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Kamerschermen (Room Dividers)
100 metres of folding room dividers for the Doelen. Honeycomb panels, wood, Formica, aluminium.
(part of the ‘makeover’ project for the central reception hall of the Concert & Congress Centre De Doelen, Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Doelen Receptie Meubels
2 Wardrobe units of 27,5 meters each. Granite, Plywood, Formica, Flightcase materials.
18 Rolling Reception Desks. Plywood, Formica, Flightcase materials.
(part of the ‘makeover’ project for the central reception hall of the Concert & Congress Centre De Doelen, Rotterdam, Netherlands).
Winkel meubels.
Rolling shopping units for the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Doelen.
Glass, stainless steel, wood, formica, lighting, etc. 2 x 1 x 1m.
(part of the ‘makeover’ project for the central reception hall of the Concert & Congress Centre De Doelen, Rotterdam, Netherlands).