About this website
This portfolio is self designed by Ron van der Ende. It covers his production from 1988 to the present day. The main challenge was to share a large amount of artwork in a comprehensive way. By using navigation based on a filterable thumbnail grid visitors can get an immediate sense of the whole content and are enabled to find their way intuitively.
The site was made with WordPress using the Justified Image Grid plugin. Fonts are Special Elite and Helvetica Neue. The logo was made with Mecanorma Dry Transfer Lettering. Together with the no-nonsense design this delivers an effect akin to his early designs and notebooks.
Photo Credits
Thanks to all the photographers. Many of the early photos are by Mark Weemen and Hans Wilschut. The first series of reliefs was photographed by Bob Goedewaagen in 2000. He also photographed KIT in 2018 and SASH in 2022. Theo van Pinxteren photographed the pieces in the Museum Rotterdam collection. Twan de Veer took a series of work-in-progress photos in 2013 (see below) and Aad Hoogendoorn did the same in 2015. All uncredited work photos are by Ron van der Ende.