
index of sculptures 1988 to 2024


Bas-relief in salvaged wood #129, 184 x 153 x 15cm.

Jericho is the second bas-relief based on photo’s of a tree stump in the Yosemite valley in California. The first one, made in 2013, was titled Holocene. Such a cross section forms a record of time, while it also demonstrates our brutal relationship with nature. Jericho was made in 2020. This time the decaying chunk of wood is rendered in red, white and blue, a color scheme familiar from many national flags. The title references the tower of Jericho which today itself rather resembles a fossilized tree trunk. That tower is one of the oldest monumental structures, built around 10.000 years ago at the dawn of the agricultural revolution. It is located in the Palestinian West Bank, today an area in crisis.

View of the tower from the east showing both openings.
Image source:

Part of the Alluvial Plain exhibition at Ron Mandos gallery, Amsterdam in December 2024.