Bas-relief in salvaged wood, 460 x 460 x 32cm.
Made on commission for Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Photo’s: Bob Goedewaagen.
This work is on permanent 24 hour a day display in the main entrance of the Erasmus MC hospital in Rotterdam.
KIT depicts a monumental cube consisting of colored wooden blocks. It is the largest salvaged wood bas-relief to date. As an object it is like an emblem or a coat of arms. But the image appears like a giant three dimensional puzzle. Within an improvised stack the parts are seemingly still looking for their final place. The work is meant to symbolize ‘accepting a challenge’ and to encourage anybody navigating the hallways of this large institute, as an emphasis on the power of the individual.
Some Erasmus M.C. video clips from the project (Dutch):

Some examples of work done on commission: