
index of sculptures 1988 to 2024


Bas-relief in salvaged wood #15, 135 x 165 x 14.
Collection of Museum Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Photo: Theo van Pinxteren, Museum Rotterdam.

The Parkflat under construction, 12 August 1957.
Photo by Herbert Behrens © Nationaal Archief.

Parkflat, Rotterdam

The Parkflat apartment block is situated on the corner of Westzeedijk and Kievitslaan in Rotterdam, overlooking the park. Designed by E.F. Groosman, it was built between 1948 and 1958 as the first large residential building of Rotterdam’s postwar reconstruction period. The Parkflat contains 50 relatively luxurious apartments, even though the tower block was constructed in a modified version of the MUWI concrete panel system.
This building system was widely used for mass housing construction all around the Netherlands until it fell out of favour in the early 1970s.

Work linked to the city of Rotterdam: